The boxing event at A1 boxing was🔥. Me and my main man Glenn Goodson sat down a few months ago and visioned this night. WHAT A NIGHT! 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊 the fans came out and had a great time. WHAT A NIGHT! Huge shout out the masterful matchmaker Steve Mestas. The commission was being difficult but Steve worked his magic and got us the fights we needed. Huge thanks to my man Julian Vigil. Had his fight crew in there deep. Some killers on his promotional team. KILLERS! The KNOCKOUT ARTIST Jaydon Vigil did not get to fight last night. He is hard to match up. No one wants to fight this lion. SHIT, I WOULDN’T FIGHT HIM! Honestly, if you have not seen him perform yet… YOU HAVE TO WATCH HIM FIGHT. A TREAT! Hopefully he is the main event next show. (hint hint) 🥊🥊🥊. Extra huge shout out to Coach-Vern Earwood, he came thru like a champ. His professional presence was felt. His DJ, announcer and security detail was on Point. I mean it when I say this, without those 3 guys, there would NOT have been a show. Simple as that. Man… they came thru, along with the fans, ring announcer, DJ, security, my main man BJ Brown @ came thru with the food that was on point… and most importantly, THANK YOU FIGHTERS. THEY FOUGHT THEIR HEARTS OUT FOR US. man… WHAT A NIGHT. 🥊🥊🥊